Ying Yang Express is a Tucson located restaurant that specializes in Pro-Asian and Vietnamese Food. We have a reputation for being quality oriented rather than profit-oriented like many local restaurants. We take pride in working with not only experienced but creative team of chefs to ensure that we meet all your food requirements. We always treat our customers with respect and dignity regardless of their gender, race or background. Since we moved into the area we have built a solid name for ourselves thanks to our unparalleled commitment to providing excellent services necessary for a flawless event. As a result of this, we always find ourselves doing repeated business with our happy customers regularly. We also get numerous referrals from our loyal customers who come to explore our extensive Asian food menu on a regular basis.
We provide Catering services for;

Special Events
We boast of working with the most versatile kitchen staff in the World to make it easy for people seeking for special catering services. Our experienced and professionally trained chefs/staff are quite knowledgeable which makes it possible for us to provide premium catering services for all special events. We understand that special events call for specially prepared dishes to keep your guests fully satisfied and impressed. For that, we are proud to inform you that you can always count on our highly qualified professionals to make your special event more pleasurable with our wide range of Asian dishes.

Ying Yang Express is well known for its devotion, dedication and consistency in delivering high-quality catering services for numerous corporates. With the help of our great staff, we always manage to exceed our corporate customers’ expectations through our delicious Pro-Asian food. The good thing about us is that we take care of all the necessary details from the time you contact us to the end of the event. Unlike other caterers, our prices are quite affordable despite our high-quality catering services.

Other Events
Whether you are organizing a birthday party, wedding or any other casual parties you can always count on Yin Yang Express to cater for your guests. With our fully qualified chefs, you can rest assured that we will serve you and your guests with nothing but the finest quality Asian foods in the World. By making us your number one choice you will have all the time to mingle with your guests stress-free.
We are always available to discuss your events special catering needs 24/7. Contact us here for more information on our extensive high-quality catering services.